Career Strength Analysis Report

Career Strength Analysis Report


Strength & Source of Success

The Career Analysis Report prepared by Vedic Astrologers team at Indastro is our flagship service that puts together a unique combination of analysis that helps you with decisions on the best way of finding success, the industries & processes to follow and a idea about high strong your profession would be. The report is prepared entirely manually by our experts.

The Career Analysis Report works on analysing your professional success on broadly three levels in a clear & intuitive manner:

What should you do to maximise success and reduce professional hurdles:

The Way you could be successful in your career:

  • Whether you should be working for yourself on your own – as a professional
  • Whether working for others is better in an organization or with a mentor – in a job as an employee
  • Whether you can work for yourself and also lead others – in a business

Once this basic question is covered, the report talks about the industries & areas of work where your destiny could take you & you could thrive well. This is usually based on the planets that are strongest for you and therefore cause gains under those industries & services governed by your strong planets.

  • Areas suitable for success in work / least amount of resistance (we give a list of areas / industries suitable for you)
  • Art & culture, banking & investment, chemical engineering & architecture, luxury items, entertainment, metal / mining, farming, real estate, research, science & technology etc.
  • Manufacturing, consultancy, agency, service industries, research, etc.

Next question the career analysis report would cover is whether you would do better close to your place of birth & family or do you need to be away for finding the success that you seek.

How you can work while working with your seniors / bosses and / or subordinates. Whether working for the government or private sector would work better.

Whether Destiny or Hard Work is the key to your success:

The report will analyse whether your career planet makes connections with your house of luck (9th house), windfalls (2nd & 11th house) or creative genius (5th house). These connections point to a destiny heavy & supported career.

Alternately we will check whether your career makes connections with your house of hard work , toils & travel (3rd house), competition & hardships (6th house) or foreign lands, risks and losses (12th house). These connections point to hard work oriented success that comes in after challenges and some initial failures.

True Strength of your Career Horoscope

The report will also calculate your Ashtakwarga table to calculate how many planets contribute to your professional success & also analyse the 3 house segment of your horoscope called the Golden Triangle. A strong Golden Triangle is a blessing for great professional success.

Helpful Tips:

  • This report can be used to find out the correct way of running your career.
  • Find the correct industries & locations for success.
  • Understand whether yours is a luck oriented or hard work oriented success in profession.
  • Get an idea about the overall strength your horoscope boasts.
  • Option to ask a specific question about your career
  • Option to have a webchat with the astrologer who prepared your report to discuss the finer points.
  • The comprehensive analysis will help a person who seeks answers for the reason behind the low points of his or her professional life.
  • Answer to key question of change of line, job, from job to business or vice versa and many such aspects are covered in this most comprehensive career reading.
  • Since the report is prepared manually, unique to your birth details, you can expect a fully personalized report.

Report Size:

12 Pages


